1 Session
15 Mins
Making 3d resin flowers
Composing 3d resin flower to form pooja thali
Working with white pearls in readymade resin marbles
Top coat and professional finishing
Recorded detailed & interactive session
Online and at your own pace
Unlimited access forever
Doubt Solutions from the instructor
Audio : Hindi + English ( Bilingual )
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Meet your instructor & learn the best of techniques.
Learn & create from the detailed step-by-step
process of making.
Learn the final finishing of the product in detail for the professional look.
Introducing Priya Gaira, a distinguished art instructor and national gold medalist in painting and decorating. With six years of experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her craft. Priya has earned acclaim as a celebrated judge on the Skill India Panel, showcasing her expertise in various mediums such as alcohol inks, concrete, and resin. Known for her enthusiastic and engaging teaching style, Priya Gaira is committed to inspiring and nurturing artistic talents.
Since its inception in 2016, SD Academia has been a beacon of creative brilliance in the realm of Ed-Tech art and design. Our mission is simple yet profound: to revolutionize the world of art and design through innovative hybrid learning. We bring the classroom to your doorstep, empowering aspiring artists and future art entrepreneurs to hone their craft from the comfort of their homes.
Read MoreAs seen on Shark Tank India
Featured in The Tribune
Supported by Chitkara University
Mentioned by YourStory
Absolutely! You’ll receive lifetime access to the session recordings.
Certainly! At the end of each session, we have a dedicated QnA session where each doubt is answered in depth directly by the instructor.
You have the freedom to decide. While you can watch the session without buying the DIY kit, the instructor recommends purchasing it to make the most of the live sessions. By crafting along with her, she can address any issues you encounter in real-time.
Yes. You will join a community of like-minded enthusiasts wherein you will receive all the updates related to the live session.
No need to worry about it. We'll give you a whatsApp number where you can share your questions either in the form of voice notes/videos or text messages. Team SD will assist you in resolving them.
All our sessions are available in Hindi Language.
We support all sorts of payment options, be it UPI, netbanking, debit card or credit cards.
This offering is suitable for everyone who is interested in this. There are no pre-requisites.
Absolutely, No questions Asked 100% refund will be provided. If you do not like or feel dissatisfied within 24 hours of opting this course for any reason with SD Academia, you are entitled to a full refund with no questions asked. You must make your refund request on the email id " [email protected] " within 24 hours of your enrollment. Please note that refunds will not be honored beyond this timeframe.